domingo, 21 de setembro de 2014

The UnHoly

I think that no ones knows, but I'm a designer too... here's my  newest work.

The UnHoly - Seppuku

quinta-feira, 19 de junho de 2014


Here's a preview of my Vice.
Let's break Ralf's bones into this vid!

segunda-feira, 3 de março de 2014

some stages...

Here are some of my newest stages.
Hope all of you enjoy them.
Any bug, send to me an e-mail at, or any blog/ forum I've posted it. Thanks!

Here they're are.

Killer Instinct - Combo's Gym

superjump = yes
animated = no
hires = no

Killer Instinct (snes) - Desert Rooftop [mugen 1.1]

mugen 1.1
superjump = yes
animated = yes
hires = no

Earth Worm Jim (snes) - ISO 9000 [mugen 1.1]

mugen 1.1
superjump = yes
animated = yes
hires = no

segunda-feira, 24 de fevereiro de 2014

Psylocke Stage Mugen 1.1

There's no still a version of this stage to older mugens, soon as possible i'll be releasing it, but if someone does it before, send to me the archive i'll  be uploading it at 4shared and i'll be put your name on the credits.

thanks, Roach.


Ainda não fiz a versão para o antigo mugen[1.0] ou WinMugen, logo logo estarei disponibilizando, caso alguém o faça, me mande o arquivo q irei upar no 4shared e darei os devidos créditos ao amigo colaborador.

Obrigado, Roach.


PASS: mrptmb